Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Happy Midwinter From Everybody at Rothera

Rothera Wintering Team

The start of our 'Christmas' Holidays......and your longest day.

We're having the traditional Christmas feast here later, after unwrapping presents and listening to the Antarctica radio broadcast from the World Service.

It's going to be fun!

Midwinter World Service broadcast can be listened to here http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/2011/06/110620_antarctic_midwinter_broadcast_2011.shtml

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

World Busk

This year a few of us at Rothera Research Station are taking part in World Busk 2011 for Musequality, supporting music projects around the world. This is my first video uploaded to the internet...tell me what you think! I feel a new career with MTV may be beckoning....

The link to the video on You Tube is...


If you are able to donate you can at  the following link below....... and many thanks for watching.


Friday, 3 June 2011

The Lowering of the Flag

Today we officially marked the day that the sun did not rise above the horizon. It is the tradition here that the oldest person on the base lowers the flag on the day that this happens and then sometime in July the youngest person on the base will raise it again.

And the oldest person on the base is? Yep...moi!

Everybody gathered at the flag-pole for a short speech from the Base Commander and then I lowered the flag...which turned out to be slightly more complicated than I'd imagined....as the knots had frozen.

The flag duly lowered we all trudged back to the bar for sunset cocktails and for the raffle of the old flag. Despite putting my name 62 times in the hat I didn't win it...but the guy that did then gifted it to me!

Midday at Rothera